Collective Arts Can Art

One key feature of the craft beer movement is its creativity and innovation. Brewers are continually experimenting to produce not just a core range of beers but seasonal and one-off brews. Collective Arts Brewing was founded in 2013 by Bob Russell and Matt Johnson in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Collective Arts have taken creativity and innovation a stage further by working with artists and musicians in a collaborative process which results in limited edition works of art being featured on the cans. I have long been struck by the use of the humble can as a canvas for some very original artworks and designs but have only recently come across Collective Arts as their beers have only been available in the UK since last autumn.

They call for artist to submit work every three months and so far they have received over 16000 submissions and have worked with 650 artists and musicians. Their website is well worth a look as it details the art used in the twelve series of beer releases since 2013. There are even plans to give access to a free song or video from featured musicians via a link on the can. Here are some examples currently available in UK bottle shops.

Owl by Jeff Dillon. Series 10
Nothing for Miles – John Godfrey (Hamilton, Canada). Series 10
Bird Paradise – Dora Wang (Boston). Series 10
Spaceman – Judson Collier (San Francisco). Series 9
Raven – Edgar Allan Slothman (West Hartford). series 9
Mr Confused – Yu-Ming Huang (New York). Series 9
Sea Squatch – Magge Gagiardi (Berlin). Series 9