New beginnings – first steps.

The idea of a blog is something that has been percolating for several years now. I have told friends on more than one occasion that I was about to launch into the blogging world but somehow the time was never right and procrastination is an easy master to serve. Well, after many failed promises, here we are. My first steps may well be faltering but I think its now time to stand up, hold on and give it a go.

The plan is to post, reasonably often, about three of my many interests; travel, food and wine. 2018 is good starting point with a major trip planned (of which more later). If I can accompany posts with a couple of half decent photographs so much the better. as its likely that I may have a glass of wine at my side as I write there may well be a recommendation to two. However as yet nothing is fixed in stone. I will let it evolve as the mood and the moment dictate. It will be interesting to see what it has become in twelve months time.

So, there we are, my blogging adventure begins with a first step that has been a long time in the stepping.