Tiny Rebel

Tiny Rebel brewery was founded in 2012 and is based near Newport in South Wales. In 2015 it won champion beer of Britain for its Welsh Red Ale CWTCH, a beer that it continues to make. It has recently produced three gins, distilled to complement beers in their range. They have an excellent range of beers and here are my tasting notes from recent samplings. If you haven’t come across Tiny Rebel then seek them out. The artwork on the cans is good too.

CWTCH. Welsh Red Ale. 4.6% – Dark amber, clear with a good, frothy, tan coloured head. There are aromas of malt, caramel, citrus and a hint of pine. The palate is low to medium bitterness, gentle carbonation and a slight sweetness. There are flavours of malt balanced by a nice touch of citrus. There is a slight tropical note underlying the malt. The finish is long and lingering.

CLWB Tropicana. Tropical IPA. 5.5% – Hazy orange in appearance with a small, light tan head. Aromas of mango, pineapple, peach, orange and penny fruit salad sweets. The palate has gentle, light carbonation and low bitterness. the palate is fruity with lots of peach and burnt orange together with a big hit of pineapple and a slight sweetness.The finish is excellent with tropical fruit and a lovely citrus tang. Excellent.

Dutty. Vermont Session IPA. 4.2% – Orange/yellow, cloudy and pours with a good off white head. Aromas of mango, grapefruit, peach and pineapple along with a touch of pine. Palate has nice carbonation, low bitterness and a slightly creamy mouthfeel. Flavours of malt, citrus and hoppy fruit. A nice bitter, pine finish.

Cali. American Pale Ale. 5.6% – Golden appearance with a slight haze and a small white head.Aromas of pine/resin, tropical fruit and a hint of citrus. The palate is medium bitterness with pine, lemon and a touch of caramel and tropical mango. Mouthfeel is a little soapy.

Fubar. Pale Ale. 4.4% – From cask. Yellow in appearance with slight haze and a good white head and nice lacing. Aromas of gentle citrus, malt and pine. The palate is smooth, low bitterness, gentle hops and a touch of caramel. Easy drinking is style, very quaffable.

Juicy. Tropical Golden Ale. 4.8% – From cask. Golden, hazy with little or no head. Aromas of tropical fruit, pineapple and mango. Very fruity with a malty core. Palate is juicy tropical fruit and fruit salad sweets. low bitterness, nice mouthfeel and a slight sweetness. the finish is lingering mango. Very nice.

Stay Puft. Marshmallow Porter. 5.2% – Dark brown, opaque with a thin tan head. There are aromas of coffee, malt, dark brown sugar. Palate is marshmallow, coffee, chocolate, molasses but without the sweetness, Low bitterness but with a nice crispness and gentle carbonation. Slightly creamy mouthfeel. A nice roast coffee finish. I done usually drink a a lot of porters/stouts but this was very enjoyable.