An eventful year which began with a visit to Singapore and New Zealand.

Out and about here and there
An eventful year which began with a visit to Singapore and New Zealand.
Lake Wakatipu is the longest lake in New Zealand with a length of 80km. it is deceiving because it is a dog leg shape so you can’t see both ends at the same time unless you are looking from high above.
The Dart River flows into the northern end of the lake near the town of Glenorchy (population 380 people, 450 horses). The drive from Queenstown takes around 45 minutes and the views out over the lake are simply stunning. Just when you think that the view couldn’t get any better it does! Sunshine helps as the lake becomes the most beautiful colour.
Dart River Adventures provide tours of the Dart River and surrounding countryside; part by coach and part by Jet Boat. The coach takes you into Paradise which is the eastern side of the Dart River and was so named by the early settlers and you can see why. Agriculture here is mainly sheep and cattle farming but the area is probably famous today for its numerous appearances in films. The best known being The Lord of the Rings, where it was Fangorn Forest and Isengard, The Hobbit, one of the X-Men films and more recently the filming of Mission Impossible Six. There is even a hobbit chair in the woods, oversized to make humans look hobbit sized. It is a fascinating trip and you really get a sense of place, the tree covered in moss and lichens hanging down really do look like Ents. Perhaps they were!.
The Jet Boat, which itself is a New Zealand invention, was primarily designed to navigate waters that can be very shallow, just a matter of inches. They can navigate the shallow stretches of the river right up to the point at which it become un-navigable due to a huge landslip several years ago. The trip is exhilarating as the boat reaches speeds of 90km/hr at times and performs the occasional 360 degree spin. The pilot explains the scenery you are travelling through and gives ample opportunity its for photographs. In all you cover about 60km in a 75 minute tour of the river
An excellent way to spend an afternoon and the rain started just as we stepped off the Jet Boat. Perfect timing!