The Microbar is located at Vesturgata 2, close to Ingolfstorg Square in central Reykjavik.. Its not the easiest place to find as its set back from the road and is actually located underneath Restaurant Reykjavik. A small doorway, with a rather helpful sign above, leads to a downstairs bar.

There is plenty of seating here and although basic it is comfortable enough. The atmosphere is very laid back with a most impressive choice of music playing during our visit including Nick Cave and Tom Waits Altogether there are 14 beers on tap and much greater choice in bottles and cans. Prices are not cheap but then again no different to most other places in the city. Alcohol is generally expensive in Iceland. Happy moments are between 3 and 7pm where a choice of two beers is available at 1000ISK for half a litre.
They also do a range of merchandise, including t-shirts, if you are looking for a souvenir to take back home.

Segull 67 A brewery in an old fish factory at Siglufjorder in North Iceland. Two beers were on offer in the Happy Moments promotion. Segull 67 Session IPA 4.2%. Pours yellow, hazy with a thin white head. Aromas of orange, pineapple and a hint of banana. The palate is creamy, soapy with orange and pine. Low bitterness and gentle carbonation. Segull 67 Amber Lager 5%. Amber, clear with a light tan head. Aromas of malt, caramel and a hint of pine. Palate is quite full, good carbonation and low bitterness. Malty, yeasty with some floral notes.
Bruggsmiojan Kaldi began brewing in 2006 in Arskogssander on Icelands northern coast. All production is unpasteurised with no added preservatives. Kaldi Black IPA 6%. Black, opaque with the thinnest of tan heads. Gentle carbonation. Palate has malt with a touch of coffee, lemon citrus and a touch of grapefruit. Finish has a slight bitterness.

Gœdingur Tumi Humall IPA 6.5%. Located in Skagafordur in northern Iceland and brewing since 2011. This beer pours yellow with a slight haze and a thin cream head. Aroma is tropical, hoppy, malt and pine. Palate is slightly creamy, nice texture, low bitterness. Lemon citrus is the dominant flavour. Very drinkable.
With only a limited time available it was only a short visit but there is much on offer here to satisfy the craft beer enthusiast.