Liverpool Craft Beer Expo

Liverpool Craft Beer Expo is now in its sixth year and is held at the Invisible Wind Factory adjacent to the docks on the northern side of the city centre. It is a gentle 20 minute stroll from the Pier Head. With five sessions held over four days  the expo has more to offer than just beer with ciders, gin, street food and live music on the menu.

Wylam. All Formats. DDH Citra Pale 5.2% – Yellow,cloudy, nice persistent head. Aromas of lemon, peach, apricot. Palate has low bitterness and is nicely carbonated. Tropical fruits, bags of lemon citrus. There is a lovely bitter lemon finish.

Wylam. What’s the Sense in Sharing. Braw Collab. Grisette. 4.5% – Pale lemon, hazy, good persistent head. Aromas of lemon citrus and hops. Light on the palate, lemon, piney resin. Very much in the easy drinking style.

Wylam. Kill Phil. DDH IPA 7.0% – Yellow/orange, good white head. Nose is pineapple, lemon and banana. Palate is creamy tropical fruit and lemon citrus which lasts through to the finish. this is very nice and very drinkable.

Top Rope. Papa Mango, Mango Pale 5.1% – Vibrant orange in colour, cloudy with a strong white head. Aromas of mango, pineapple, banana. Palate is intense mango, low bitterness, nice carbonation. Mouthfeel is good with a slight creaminess. Long, lingering finish of mango puree!  Have been rather unimpressed with this beer in the past but this example was rather excellent.

Top Rope. Line in the Sand. East Coast IPA 6.9% – Pale amber in appearance, slight haze and a small white head.Aromas of lemon, caramel, malt. Palate has good mouthfeel, nice carbonation and a low-medium bitterness.

Runaway. Session IPA 4.5% – light amber, clear. Aromas of citrus and pine with malt undertones. Palate is clean and crisp, medium bitterness with plenty of citrus. Very drinkable session beer.

Runaway. IPA 5.5% – medium amber, clear with the very slightest of haze, small, white, non persistent head. Aromas of lemon, pine and malt. Palate has nice malty, hoppy bitterness with gentle carbonation. The finish is malty with a final lemony tang.

Much has been said in the Craft Beer world about Beavertowns recent decision to take investment money from Heineken. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this their influence on the craft beer movement can not be denied and their core range of beers are a watchword for quality and reliability. That said their stand was quiet when I visited early on the Thursday evening. Are consumers voting with their glasses on this issue?

Beavertown. Neck Oil. Session IPA 4.3% I have always enjoyed this session ale and it is always very drinkable. Yellow in colour , clear, small, non persistent white head. Aromas of lemon, grapefruit, caramel and malt. The palate is clean, low bitterness and refreshing

Beavertown. Lupaloid. IPA 6.7% – Yellow in colour, clear, good white head. Malty, hoppy, lemon. Palate is smooth with gentle carbonation and low bitterness. Nicely made and very drinkable.

Thornbridge Brewery. Green Mountain Session NEIPA 4.3% – Yellow, cloudy, a nice white head that lasts.Aromas of grapefruit, lemon and malty caramel. the palate is tropical fruit, low bitterness, creamy and with nice carbonation. A lovely citrusy finish.

Thornbridge Brewery. Hotki Blood Orange IPA. 5.5% – Yellow/gold, clear, nice white head. Aroma is slightly astringent orange, malt and pine. Palate is oranges, low bitterness, gentle carbonation.

Northern Monk. Faith. Modern Pale Ale 5.4% – Yellow,hazy, strong white head. Aroma is grassy, pine, lemon citrus. Palate is low bitterness, tropical fruit, orange with a nice rounded smoothness. A nice tropical note finish.

Northern Monk. Moobing on up. Triple IPA 10% – Yellow and as cloudy as it gets! Aromas of peach, banana and lemon. Palate is low bitterness, creamy, smooth, tropical fruit, merest hint of liquorice, gentle sweetness. This is a lovely beer, packed with flavour and a long, long finish.

Magic Rock. Cannonball IPA 7.4% – Amber, hazy with a strong white head. Aromas of citrus, pine, orange, earthy, malty. Palate is medium bitterness tropical fruits with orange, creamy with nice gentle carbonation. Finish is bitter orange. Very good.

The range of breweries and beers on offer was excellent and all that I sampled were fresh and in excellent condition,  it is easy to see why it is a very popular festival. Well organised and a nice choice of venue. My only grouch would be for a little more seating to be available but I do understand the constraints imposed by the size of the venue.