Friedrichshain Street Art

There is so much art on view in Friedrichshain that this post in no ways represents a comprehensive list. It is merely some of the art that I came across in my two recent trips to the area. They are the pieces that caught my interest at the time. Where possible I have quoted locations or approximate locations, the problem with wandering round an area is that I don’t always record notes of where I was when I saw a particular piece.

Otto Schade. Area close to Boxhagener Platz
Louis Masai. Wild Common Carp Are Listed As An Endangered Species. RAW Gelande
Felix and Mathias Gephart. RAW Gelande.
Viva La Resolución. RAW Gelande.
Area close to Boxhagener Platz
RAW Gelande
Edward Von Longus. RAW Gelande
Ostap. RAW Gelande
Sobr. Revaler Straße
Shepard Fairey. Andre the Giant (partly obscured). RAW Gelande
RAW Gelande