Craters of the Moon

An unusual name for a geothermal area but an apt description as I hope some of the upcoming photos will illustrate. A walkway has been made which circumvents the area and it takes about an hour to complete if you include the rather steep climb to the lookout which offers a stunning view of the whole area and the numerous steaming vents. It looks as if the area is a caldera from the collapse of an empty magma chamber but I have been unable to confirm this.

 The area is not as active as Te Puia 

The last major eruption was in 2002 and it was big enough to cover the walkway with mud, pumice and ash to a depth of 5cm.

The mudpools here are much drier but they still can be seen bubbling away. They are very deceiving as they look dry but are still very hot.

Much of the area is covered in a low growing shrub which looks at first glance like heather which is found on British moorland. It is in-fact called prostrate kanuka. It grows best where the ground is a little cooler, in the hotter areas the vegetation is quite different. Thermal mosses are found which can tolerate the hot conditions. Ferns and club mosses, usually found in tropical regions, can also survive here because of the protected by the warmer conditions found here.

The entry fee for this geothermal wonder is only 8NZD (about £4.50). The area is administered by a charitable trust and team of volunteers run the shop and maintain the grounds. The official website is here